The Youth Harbour

Profile picture of The Youth Harbour

The Youth Harbour

ABOUT The Youth Harbour

The Youth Harbour is a program of FE)S a youth-led, youth-serving, not-for-profit corporation and registered charity. FES is more than just a charitable organization; it is a platform that bridges youthful vigour and innovation with the resources necessary for impactful climate action.

The Youth Harbour, founded in 2021, is a place of support, convening, and collaboration for youth-led organizations, projects, and groups in what is currently referred to as Canada. We are committed to building climate-resilient communities by providing flexible, trust-based support to the youth-led climate movement in the form of financial, technical, and networking assistance. We believe that youth are the best agents of change, and that’s why we seek to support and invest in innovative youth work that takes bold climate action and supports communities most deeply affected by the climate crisis. So far, we’ve disbursed over $1M dollars and leveraged another $3.7M to the youth climate movement, while supporting 35+ youth projects along the way.

Beyond directing funding into the hands of those who can make the most change, we also play an essential role in amplifying these projects to the world, acting as a crucial facilitator, and connecting young climate leaders with what they need to drive meaningful change.

Dive deeper into The Youth Harbour, its granting streams, services, and overall impact through its website! You can also learn more about the organization, FES.

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