Jose Kimburi

Profile picture of Jose Kimburi

Jose Kimburi


My name is Jose Kimburi, and I am a 16-year-old nature enthusiast from Gloucestershire. I am also the founder of iEcosphere.

Some of my hobbies include crochet, reading and writing. My passion for nature stemmed from a young age spending countless hours outdoors, eager to look at and learn different types of flora and fauna.

This has now blossomed into a lifetime endeavour driven by the desire to understand and preserve the natural environment. Some notable achievements I have attained include being a Young Darwin Scholar in 2023, becoming the BTO (British Trust for Ornithology) Youth Representative for Gloucestershire in 2023, being a part of the Gloucestershire Naturalist Society in 2023 and being part of GYCG (Gloucestershire Youth Climate Group).

I am also in the process of setting up my own website and organisation called iEcosphere which aims to help you naturalists learn more about our ecosphere like nowhere else.

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