Jerri Jerreat

Profile picture of Jerri Jerreat

Jerri Jerreat


Jerri Jerreat lives and writes on Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee territory. Her most recent solarpunk story, “Benni and Shiya are Leaving” appeared in Grist Magazine's "Imagine 2200". Other stories were published in Alluvian, Flyway: Journal of Writing & Environment, Onyx Publications, Feminine Collective, The Yale Review Online, The New Quarterly, and others. Two were in anthologies, “Glass and Gardens: Solarpunk Summers” and “Glass and Gardens: Solarpunk Winters,” (World Weaver Press) She wrote an essay, “Mentoring Student Activism: From Fear to Empowerment” for ETFO Voice Magazine, about helping her students take on the Ontario government. There are always protest signs stacked by her door.

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