8 Earth-Friendly Hacks for a Cooler Home This Summer
Cooling your home is essential for staying comfortable during hot weather. However, increased air conditioning usage means higher utility bills and carbon emissions.
How can you lower your house’s temperature without harming the planet? Small changes go a long way in keeping comfortable.
Here are eight Earth-friendly hacks for a cooler home this summer.
1. Install Counterclockwise Fans
If you don’t want to run the AC, your next best option is to use a ceiling fan. This mounted fixture circulates air and makes you feel cooler in the room it’s in. Ceiling fans are more energy-efficient than AC units because they require much less power. Air conditioners have more wattage and need refrigerant to cool your home, thus increasing their environmental liability.
After installing a fan, take advantage of the fixture by setting it correctly. In summertime, your fan should spin counterclockwise to push cool air to the floor. One that’s rotating clockwise may make the room warmer than you’d like, so ensure you have the correct setting. Save the clockwise rotation for the colder months because it pushes warm air down.
2. Upgrade Your Windows
Windows let you introduce natural light into your home but can make the interior too hot. Experts say windows account for 45% of heat gain and loss in your home, thus impacting your energy usage. Hot days mean your AC unit runs excessively at peak temperatures, making the windows a central focus. Inspect them to see if you need a replacement.
Inefficient windows typically have poorly installed frames or cracked glass, which leads to thermal gain. If your windows aren’t up to par, you may need to upgrade to energy-efficient ones. These frameworks have better insulation by reflecting the sun’s rays instead of absorbing them. You can simultaneously have natural light and a cooler room, with sound insulation as a bonus.
3. Focus on the Sun-Facing Windows
Replacing all your home’s windows can be an expensive venture. If doing this would exceed your budget, focus on what you can do with your south- and west-facing windows. These frameworks are most important because they experience the most heat gain. The sun sets in the west, so imagine the rays beaming and increasing the temperature. South-facing windows also make it hotter due to their position.
Besides replacement, there are a few ways to protect the south and west windows. For example, you could build an awning to block sunlight from penetrating the framework. Shutters and overhangs are other accessible options to reduce heat gain. Another strategy is to place solar film on your windows, as this addition reduces sunlight entering the glass.
4. Hang Blackout Curtains
Windows are critical to your home’s heating and cooling, so take any measure possible to increase efficiency. If easy fixes are your priority, consider blackout curtains to reduce the temperature in your home. These drapes completely cover your windows and minimize the sunlight penetrating the room. While they make things darker, blackout curtains could be necessary for cooler temperatures.
Blackout curtains contain heavy fabrics and do the job when blinds don’t. They provide better shade and make you less dependent on the HVAC for cooling. If you sleep better in cooler rooms, blackout curtains could provide the eco-friendly environment you need. Health experts say they aid melatonin creation and help you fall asleep faster.
5. Switch to Reflective Paint
The garage is an essential place for homeowners because of its versatility. Some use it as a workspace, whereas others entertain guests with a game room. Regardless of its use, the garage can become hot and uncomfortable in the summer due to poor ventilation. How can you make this section of your house usable again? Simple changes go a long way.
Start with the exterior color of your garage. Experts say lighter colors reflect sunlight and reduce heat absorption, so choose white or off-white for your garage. Light colors keep your home cooler than darker shades, though you can select specialized paints for your needs. Ask a local shop about reflective paints and the colors they offer. Despite being a simple adjustment, a new paint job could be what your garage needs.
6. Add Insulation
Insulation is another way to help your garage’s temperature. Inadequate insulation means heat enters quickly, making the room hotter and muggier than the outside. This problem also extends to winter because heat escapes the garage and makes it much colder. These extreme temperatures affect your belongings, so the last thing you want is damaged electronics and memories.
Adding insulation rescues your garage by sealing the cool air and preventing leaks. Start by weatherstripping the windows and doors because they significantly contribute to heat gain. A weatherstrip could be compressive foam, a tension seal or felt to seal gaps in your garage. If you live in an area with extreme heat, consider materials like metal because of their durability.
7. Use LED Lights
Sometimes, simple changes have noticeable effects on your home. Lights are essential in every room, so consider what lighting illuminates your house. Fluorescent or incandescent bulbs may satisfy your needs, but they’re not the most energy-efficient selections. These fixtures also make your rooms warmer due to the heat loss.
LEDs are the best option for staying cool and reducing energy costs. The Department of Energy (DOE) says these efficient lights save the average household $225 annually compared to incandescent bulbs. LEDs are also an excellent solution if your room is too warm at night. They produce less heat than traditional bulbs because they don’t waste thermal energy.
8. Consider Evaporative Coolers
Air conditioners are expensive and negatively impact the environment, so what’s the alternative for keeping your house cool? Consider evaporative or swamp coolers because they’re more efficient than your typical AC unit. These machines cool the air using wet pads to take in warm air. The swamp cooler makes the water evaporate and removes heat from the air, thus lowering the temperature.
How are evaporative coolers better for the environment? These machines don’t require refrigerants or mechanical processes for their power generation. Fortunately, you only need a fan and water to increase air circulation and cool the room. While they might not be as powerful as an AC unit, swamp coolers can be just as effective because of their low environmental impact.
Cooling Your Home and Helping the Planet
Sweltering heat and sweaty shirts make people crank up the air conditioner. While this system keeps you cool, it uses a lot of energy and isn’t good for the environment. Instead, you need Earth-friendly hacks to cool your home without raising utility bills. Energy-conscious appliances, efficient fixtures and minor renovations go a long way to make your interior more comfortable.