633 divers set world record cleaning ocean floor off Deerfield Beach

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Another of the estimated 50,000 Guinness World Records has been broken and it happened Saturday when 633 scuba divers scooped up trash from the ocean floor near the Deerfield Beach International Fishing Pier. Guinness adjudicator Michael Empric made a rare trip from New York City to do the official head count between 9 a.m and 11 a.m. “I actually stood there and clicked off everyone as they got in the water,” he said sporting the dark blue Guinness blazer and teal tie in 87 degree heat. Divers entered the ocean in waves and had to stay in the water at least 15 minutes to be counted. Dahlia Bolin, 13, was among them. She and her mother Rebecca came all the way from Mackinaw, Illinois, to help set the record, and pick up debris. Guinness World Records adjudicator Michael Empric counts divers as they enter the water and attempt to break the world record for the largest underwater cleanup.The record was broken with 633 divers taking part in the record breaking dive at the Deerfield Beach International Fishing Pier, 200 NE 21st Ave. on Saturday, June 15. Mike Stocker, South Florida Sun-Sentinel (Mike Stocker / Sun Sentinel) (L-R) Rebecca Bolin, […]

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