Investing in eco-tourism can play a pivotal role helping green recovery programs. Investing in eco-tourism and nature conservation could play a pivotal role helping green recovery programs, says the World Bank. They found that every dollar invested in protected areas and nature-based tourism, creates a sixfold return. Pandemic recovery plans can help promote green tourism, which in turn creates local jobs, improves incomes and helps protect biodiversity. Most countries have yet to make much progress on greening their COVID-19 stimulus packages – but World Bank researchers say investing in eco-tourism and nature conservation could play a pivotal role in turning stuttering economies around. For every dollar governments invested in protected areas and support for nature-based tourism in 2019, the economic rate of return was at least six times the original investment, says a World Bank report published this week. The report focuses on four countries, including Brazil’s Abrolhos Marine Park where visitors can go free-diving, Chitwan National Park in Nepal which offers hiking and wildlife trips, and safari destination South Luangwa National Park in Zambia. The rates of return at these nature tourism hotspots ranged from six to 28 times the amounts spent in 2019 on things like roads, […]
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