‘100% Renewables is Possible’

Scientists announce a 10-point plan for a global shift to 100% renewables by 2035.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Scientists announce a 10-point plan for a global shift to 100% renewables by 2035. Photo by Karsten Würth on Unsplash

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Scientists announce a 10-point plan for a global shift to 100% renewables by 2035.

In a stark rebuttal to growing cynicism about tackling climate change, a collective of leading scientists has unveiled a bold declaration calling for a complete transformation of the global energy system to 100% renewable sources by 2035.

The document, signed by 46 researchers and titled “10 Points for a 100% Clean, Renewable Energy Future,” argues that not only is such a shift necessary to avert climate disaster, but it’s also eminently achievable with sufficient political will and international cooperation.

“We’ve wasted precious time fiddling while the planet burns,” declared Dr. Mark Jacobson, director of the atmosphere/energy program at Stanford University and a lead signatory. Referencing the millions of annual deaths linked to air pollution, he emphasized, “The solutions exist, and they’ve been validated by independent research groups. Not only will a transition to clean energy save lives, it’ll create jobs, boost economies, and leave a healthy planet for future generations.”

The urgency of action is undeniable. 2035 is increasingly referred to as the “deadline for climate action,” a point beyond which drastic reductions in carbon emissions become exponentially more difficult. The scientists argue that their plan offers a roadmap to not only avert catastrophe but also unlock significant economic benefits.

“Our research demonstrates that a 100% renewable energy system can be built faster than previously thought,” explained Dr. Jacobson. “The power sector can be transformed by 2030, with other sectors following suit shortly after. This isn’t just about saving the planet; it’s about creating a more prosperous future for all.”

The declaration outlines a ten-point framework for achieving this ambitious goal. Key points include:

  • Decades of Research Confirm Feasibility: A growing body of research across multiple regions confirms the viability of 100% renewable energy systems, not just for electricity generation but for all energy needs.
  • Accelerated Transformation: Contrary to popular belief, the shift to renewables can be remarkably rapid. The declaration proposes a timeline with a fully transformed power sector by 2030 and other sectors following soon after. By 2030-2035, a complete global energy system overhaul could be a reality.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Renewable energy, particularly solar and wind, is becoming increasingly cost-competitive with fossil fuels. The declaration argues that a 100% renewable system would not only be affordable but ultimately cheaper than the current energy mix, even without factoring in the social costs of pollution and climate change.
  • Health and Economic Benefits: The total social cost of a renewable energy system, encompassing healthcare and environmental factors, would be dramatically lower than the status quo. The sooner the transition occurs, the sooner these savings are realized.
  • Reliable Renewables: The declaration emphasizes that a 100% renewable system can reliably provide 24/7 energy at a low cost. This will require a large-scale redesign of the global energy grid, with a focus on increased efficiency and flexibility measures like storage and demand management.
  • Electrification is Key: The studies predict a massive increase in the role of electricity, projected to account for 80-95% of the global energy supply. This electrification, powered by abundant clean energy, has the potential to significantly boost global prosperity.
  • Job Creation and Economic Growth: The transition is not just environmentally beneficial, but economically stimulating as well. The declaration predicts the creation of millions of new jobs and trillions of dollars in investments worldwide.

The proposed plan is not without its challenges. A complete redesign of the global energy infrastructure is a monumental undertaking. However, the scientists contend that the alternative – inaction – carries far greater costs. The declaration concludes by highlighting the necessity of rapid action to address the annual toll of air pollution on human health, slow the escalating damage from climate change, and secure a sustainable energy future for generations to come.

This declaration by leading scientists offers a ray of hope in the fight against climate change. With unwavering commitment and a global shift in focus, a future powered by 100% renewable energy may not be as distant as once thought.

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